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Prokaryotic Protein Expression

Writer: Juergen MairhoferJuergen Mairhofer

enGenes Biotech has developed the prokaryotic protein expression system enGenes-eXpress™ as a leading edge microbial protein production system for optimized protein expression.

Growth decoupled expression of proteins in prokaryotes such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) allows enGenes to develop economic, scalable and efficient production processes within short time frames to make unique biotech products commercially viable.

Advantages of enGenes-eXpress prokaryotic protein expression

enGenes-eXpress offers a modular platform for gene expression and protein production in E. coli and will be expanded to other prokaryotes, notably Bacillus subtilis, in the near future. This forms the basis for a similarly modular suite of enGenes services focused on the expression of difficult-to-express proteins.

The service menu is divided into a series of steps which can be performed either individually or in combination – with customers able to select which steps they actually need. The modular approach allows more scalable and cost-effective manufacturing processes for recombinant proteins.

Thus the enGenes-eXpress technology for growth-decoupled protein production forms a next-generation E. coli expression platform that allows for scalable production of difficult-to-express or even “toxic” recombinant proteins at a fraction of their current cost.


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